11th July, Friday Parade

Date: 11th July 2014

Time: 2.30pm-6.00pm

Reporting Venue: Parade Square

Attire to fall in: Full Uniform, Bring along PT KIT (Unit Tee)

There will be an attire check. Cadets who have long hair need to get their hair cut done by training.
Those who will be late/absent for training will get a RTU session the next following day of school and their parents will called up for explanation for being absent.

1. Be Punctual.
2. Bring along your 1.5 Water bottle filled with Plain water.
3. Bring along your writing materials, a notebook and pen.
4. No earstuds, earstick, or earring.
5. Spectacle hook.
6. Bring your personal medication. (e.g. inhaler)